Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm still cold.

Last winter I moved to Korea and they had the coldest winter in 27 years. Thursday I moved to Chicago in the middle of a blizzard with the most snow and coldest temperatures in the last 30 years. (Blizzard may or may not be an exaggeration.) I can’t even plan the kind of misery I find myself in. My orientation for school was scheduled to start tomorrow, but it has been cancelled due to “inclement weather.” So I guess tomorrow I’ll just sit on my yoga mat and eat some yogurt. It’ll be fun.

Despite the freezer like atmosphere I have been out and about. Ya know, trying to figure this place out. I think I’m having more culture shock here than I ever did in Seoul. A man asked me today if I shoveled my own snow. I think that’s kind of like, do you grow your own vegetables. I mean, it’s gotta be done, so do you do it, or does somebody do it for you.

 I will never down play the brutality of my winter in Seoul. It was cold, in every sense of the word. And I will never get over the shocking period of time I had to wear socks. However, it was a nice precursor to the agony I just walked into. But the snow here. Yall. The Snow. I don’t like snow. I woke up yesterday morning and my calves were on fire. Burning. I know I ain’t exercised. What is wrong with me? Oh yeah! I haven’t walked on solid ground in four days! Dumb. Just dumb.

I’m happy with the apartment. Sometimes you just don’t know what you’re gonna get when you literally just put the address into the rented GPS and drive to it on the first day you move in. But I don’t have too many complaints. It’s definitely a step up from where I was. And Pedro, my maintenance man, is nice and helpful. He did however expect me to be Chinese when he knocked on my door Friday. Somewhere down the line I had become the girl from China instead of the girl from Korea. No, not from either one of those countries. Pedro did ask me if I was from Alabama. Close, but no cigar, Pedro!

Well, hopefully after tomorrows sub zero temperatures I will still have working appendages and be able to continue this blog.


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