Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fo my family. Fo my friends.

Lately I've been finding myself a little ( a lot ) tired and stressed. 33 days to graduation! Ahhhh!!!

So I haven't wanted to blog and just go on and on about how hard life is. Because when I take a few steps out of my funk and look at the things that matter, I see that it is not so bad after all. It may not be that easy, but I surely know things could be so much worse. So I wanted to write today, mostly so you know I'm still alive and well, but also because I have so much to be thankful for- so many people to be thankful for. And what better way to thank them than a nice impersonal blog post for all the world to read? My thoughts exactly. 

I know a lot of people think they have the best family. But they really don't. Because I do. I'm so thankful for a mom and sister-in-law who don't tolerate any of my whining and crap, and tend to be more proactive about my life than I am. Thank you. I'm so thankful for a poppa who has the most perfect timing and encouragement. I've never known a man who knows how to love the people of this world the way he does, and I've never once doubted his love for me. Thank you. I'm so thankful for my  brother James, who encourages me to follow my passion and take risks. Because that's what he does. And he wholly leans on The Father and reminds me that receiving a little help a long the way doesn't make you less capable. Thank you. And my brother Joshua, who never hesitates to help me, never hesitates to help anyone, and never wants anything in return. He make look really scary, and I'm sure he could really hurt you if he needed to, but I've never known a more gentle soul. Thank you. And my little brother John-Mark, who much like his father, finds it so easy to love this world. And even though he tried to kill me several times when we were children, he's become one of the main encouragers in my life, and a good friend. Thank you. 

See. Told you. Best family award. 

My friends are better than yours too. 
You see, there's Cheryl, who put up with a lot during our 9 months together in Seoul. A lot of "OH MY GOSH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE! SHOULD I MOVE TO CHICAGO? SHOULD I GO TO PASTRY SCHOOL? IT'S ALL SO SCARY!" And she's a constant encouragement, reminding me that my feet hurt for a reason, and when all I can see are my flaws, she reminds me that I'm being stupid. Thank you.

And then there's Allyn. And boy have we been through it. And praise the Lamb we're still together. Because Allyn is in grad school and she reminds me that life could be so much harder. jk. But really... She also reminds me that two years ago I didn't even think I would be this far along in pastry and I am completely irrational for being in freak out mode because clearly God has got this. Thank you. 

And Katie. Even though I just met Katie when school started we've become quite close. And I like that. She's rational and hardworking and we all know I could use a little more logic in my life. She also gives me a reason to leave my apartment on the weekend so I don't go crazy. So glad we're doing this crazy life together. Thank you. 

And to all of you at home, thanks for thinking what I do is always so great, even if it isn't.  Every time I talk to my mom she has a story to tell me about how someone has asked about me. It's a great feeling to be from a place so loving and so supportive of a little girls crazy decisions. Miss you all everyday! 

And if my grandmother and my mawmaw were here, I'd thank them for the time we spent in the kitchen, and I'd ask for more.

If my granddaddy was here, I thank him for reminding me what real work ethic is when I feel like it's time to go home. 

And if Zac was here, well if Zac was here, I'd probably just have to listen to him go on about how he could bake a better cake, but we'd all know the truth. But I'd sure be thankful. 

33 days to graduation. 34 days til I'm gonna need a job. Trying to work hard and be thankful. And if you were lucky enough to receive our Christmas letter, "keep praying it works out." 

Until next time! 

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